Monday 26 June 2017

She's a Butterfly

It seems like yesterday but it's been more than a year and still, I'm not able to get her out of my brain. I'm not even sure why. I mean what she did to me, I should have been hating her till my last breath but here I am still thinking about her. I tried my best to pretend that I hate her and act like I don't care but in this one year there was not a single day where my heart & brain didn't try their best to remind me of her.
is it love? I always ask myself this question but still, I don't have the answer. 
my heart believes that she actually loved me but then my brains logic kicks in and raises the question 
  1. If it was love why she is not here? 
  2. why she never contacted me again? 
  3. why she was with the other guys within just 1 week after the breakup?

She is just like a butterfly, it's her nature to fly around and even if you try your best you can never keep her to for yourself only. you always knew that and still, you refuse to accept the fact that she actually never loved you.

and I always end up asking myself that seemed so real how can someone fake love in their eyes, I mean the way she used to look at me. I would have killed anyone just to be with her and trust me I'm a completely non-violent guy just like Gandhi but still, I would have done anything to just be with her, see her for a little longer, touch her, kiss her.

Now after one year, things have changed, but still somewhere deep down in my heart I believe that whatever we had was true and one day she will call me but the only fear I have is 

how am I going respond?

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