Monday 20 March 2017

Yogi Adityanath: A Mordern Day Mad King Tughlaq

Mahant Yogi Adityanath also known as Yogi Adityanath who is better Known for his firebrand Hindutva image, the 44-year-old Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader comes from the Rajput community. He is the current Chief Minister of the state but it won’t be easy for him to maintain his ministerial post as there are many criminal charges pending in court for him and then there are few so serious criminal charges that if in future he is found guilty he might have to face the death sentence.

Below are the few Political controversies surrounded by him

  • In 2005, Adityanath led a 'purification drive' which involved the conversion of Christians to Hinduism. In one such instance, 1,800 Christians were reportedly converted to Hinduism in the town of Etah in Uttar Pradesh. He said, "I will not stop till I turn UP and India into a Hindu Rashtra (Hindu state)

  • In January 2007, an altercation occurred amidst a Hindu group and Muslims during a Muharram procession in Gorakhpur which led to the hospitalization of a young Hindu, Raj Kumar Agrahari. The District Magistrate banned Adityanath from the visit to the site as it may inflame tensions. He initially agreed but after Agrahari died, he disobeyed the magistrate and traveled to the site with a group of his followers. Adityanath started a non-violent dharna on the site. However inflammatory speeches were made and some of his followers set fire to a nearby Mazar (Muslim mausoleum). A curfew was implemented by the local police, but Adityanath broke it and was subsequently jailed under Section 151A, Sections 146, 147, 279, 506 of the Indian Penal Code. He was arrested and remanded for a fortnight, on charges of disturbing peace.  His arrest led to further unrest and several coaches of the Mumbai-bound Mumbai-Gorakhpur Godan Express were burnt, allegedly by protesting Hindu Yuva Vahini activists. The day after the arrest, the District Magistrate along with the local police chief were transferred and replaced. This was "widely perceived" as a result of "Adityanath's clout" with the Uttar Pradesh government of Mulayam Singh Yadav. The tensions soon escalated to riots across Gorakhpur leading to the burning of mosques, homes, buses and trains. After his release, Adityanath protested his jailing in the Parliament.

  • In March 2011, the documentary film Saffron War - Radicalization of Hinduism accused Adityanath of promoting communal disharmony through a Virat Hindustan rally in rural Uttar Pradesh. Adityanath shared the stage during a hate speech in which an unidentified speaker urged the Hindu audience to dig up the graves of Muslim women and rape the corpses.
  • In an undated video that surfaced on YouTube during August 2014, Adityanath, reportedly during a public speech at Azamgarh, referring to the religious conversions due to inter-religious marriages, has said, "If they take one Hindu girl, we will take 100 Muslims girls." In the same video, he continues to say, "if they kill one Hindu, there will be 100 that we" and pauses, as the gathered crowd shouts: "kill".
  • On 3 January 2016, a day after the terrorist attack on an Indian air force base in Pathankot allegedly by Pakistani terrorists, Adityanath said, "The Pathankot attack has once again proved that Satan could change for the better but Pakistan cannot"
  • Adityanath has praised the US President Donald Trump's decision to enact a ban on citizens from 7 Muslim-majority countries entering the United States and has called for India to adopt similar policies to tackle terrorism

Yogi Adityanath holding a Bachelor’s Degree in Science from Uttarakhand is well educated with main with a bright mind but the way he use violence in the name of religion is not going to help this nation to move forward and now being in power completely it’s almost impossible to prove any criminal charges against him.

and with this article I just hope, he never gets to read this otherwise, I'll be the one who will be serving the jail sentence on his behalf (finger crossed)

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